
I am a sophomore studying Mathematics, CS, and College Scholars at Cornell University where I’m fortunate to be advised by Abe Davis. I'm doing research at the intersection of graphics and machine learning. I'm also a co-president of Cornell University Artificial Intelligence (CUAI).

Research: I'm broadly interested in the intersection of computer graphics, machine learning, and cognition. Currently I'm focusing on physically plausible re-simulations, i.e. finding useful representations of real-world objects that can capture not only their shape but also their physical properties and dynamics.


Something cool in submission : D
Very cool collaborators
Paper (Arxiv) | Supplemental| Code


These are mostly works that have emerged as part of final projects for various graduate courses I have taken during my undergrad.

3D music visualizer that deforms a mesh based on dominant frequencies
in a sound recording
Final Project|CS 6682
Github | Video

Caustics and Water Surface Simulation - Top Submittion
Multi-pass rendering, screen space refractions, shadow mapping, height fields,
environmental mapping, and time-varying environmental map.
Final Project|CS 4620

Ray Tracing From Scratch - Rendering Competition Winner
CSG, distributed ray tracing, fractal rendering, BVH speedup structure,
reflections, refractions, anti-aliasing, etc.
Rendering competition|CS 4620

Teaching Experience